Lanciano is a small, medieval town, nestled near the coast of the Adriatic Sea in Italy, halfway between San Giovanni Rotondo and Loreto.
Lanciano is the town of an extraordinary miracle that has lasted for over twelve centuries now (1,200 years), and is still taking place today, before our eyes: the Flesh and Blood of Christ is still miraculously preserved today in a monstrance that all can see and venerate.
Lanciano is the town of an extraordinary miracle that has lasted for over twelve centuries now (1,200 years), and is still taking place today, before our eyes: the Flesh and Blood of Christ is still miraculously preserved today in a monstrance that all can see and venerate.
Lanciano is located near the Eastern coast of Italy, halfway between the Sanctuary of Loreto and San Giovanni Rotondo, where is the tomb of Padre Pio